The Lord sees the deaths of each one of His saints, and they are exceedingly precious in His sight.
“For You, O God, have heard my vows; You have given me the heritage of those who fear Your name.”
~ Psalm 61:5 ~
Morning Worship – 10:30 am | Evening Worship – 5:00 pm
Main Content
Recent Sermons
Sunday School
Pactum Salutis: The Covenant of Redemption
Text: John 6:37-40
Pastor Taylor Sexton
Morning Service
Text: Hebrews 5:1-10
Pastor Taylor Sexton
Evening Service
Text: Philippians 1:12-18
Pastor Tony Monaghan
This Lord’s Day
September 15, 2024
Sunday School | 9:15 AM
The Proto-Evangelium: The Promise in Seed Form
Text: Genesis 3:15
Pastor Mike Myers
Morning Service | 10:30 AM
Grace Abounding to a World of Sinners
Text: Luke 15:1-10
Pastor Mike Myers
Evening Service | 5:00 PM
No, Really, Salvation Is of the Lord!
Text: Judges 13
Pastor Taylor Sexton
Upcoming Events
Lord’s Day Morning Worship
10:30 AM | Sundays
@ Heritage OPC
Lord’s Day Evening Worship
5:00 PM | Sundays
@ Heritage OPC
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM | First and Third Wednesday Each Month
@ Heritage OPC
Fellowship Meal
Third Sunday Each Month
The Heritage Blog
DeYoung, the Restless, and the Reformed
When the church refuses to be the pillar and buttress of the truth, it exchanges the prophetic witness of the church for a pathetic one.
Take Heed That You Not Be Deceived
Do not be pressured into instinctively or uncritically taking a side in this current conflict by the blowing winds of competing propaganda.