Following Jesus as a disciple means to embrace the cross in holy, self-denying obedience.
Overture 2 – Help or Hindrance?
If appointed, could the proposed committee honor Jesus Christ, help the OPC, her members, the broader church, and even our world? Or could it be a hindrance? That will depend upon the men who serve on the committee.
Abuse, the OPC, and the Psychologizing of Sin
The preference of the term abuse over sin moves abuse out of the moral and spiritual realm and into the psychological
Calvinism is the Gospel
Calvinism, and thus the gospel, understands that at the heart of true biblical religion is the doctrine of pure and sovereign grace.
The Present Situation in the Presbyterian Church
“A church that tolerates within
its borders the polite paganism of the world, a church that cries ‘Peace, peace, when there is no peace,’
is a church that is ready to die.”
Review: The Pastor: His Call, Character, and Work
The treasures from “the friends of Old Princeton” contained in this short collection of lectures display afresh the timeless truths related to—and desperately needed in—the Christian ministry.